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Kids - Musicalization


Children's musicalization is a powerful educational tool. It develops in the child musical sensitivity, concentration, motor coordination, socialization, auditory acuity, respect for oneself and the group, dexterity of reasoning, personal discipline, emotional balance, among other qualities that collaborate in the formation of the child. individual.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Musicalization is the process of building musical knowledge : its main objective is to awaken and develop a taste for music, stimulating and contributing to the global formation of human beings. It is done through playful activities aimed at the development and improvement of auditory perception , imagination , motor coordination , memorization , socialization , expressiveness , spatial perception etc. The playful acts as a motivating element for the development of musical expression, in a process whose main elements are imitation , perception and creation .

We are a family owned and operated business.

The initial process should be as early as possible. At birth, a child's relationship with music is immediate, through the mother's calming and also through sound objects from the house and the world around her.

Before starting to speak, a baby sings, experiences sounds made with his mouth. When you take your first steps to the point where you can stand, the rhythm of a song takes you to accompany the cadenced movements with your body. And it is from this relationship between gesture and sound that a child, listening, singing, imitating, dancing, builds his musical knowledge.

We are a family owned and operated business.

What do you learn in a Children's Musicalization class?

We are a family owned and operated business.

-A well conducted class develops students notions of rhythm, pitch, timbre, intensity, duration, among other concepts of music.

-In addition to musical concepts, the class has the condition to develop motor coordination, musical intelligence, socialization, mutual collaboration, leadership, creativity, imagination, teamwork, etc…

We are a family owned and operated business.

Reference: Plena Music. found at: <>

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