Music Therapy
Music therapy is the professional use of music and its elements, for intervention in medical, educational and everyday environments with individuals, groups, families or communities that seek to optimize their quality of life and improve their physical, social, communicative, emotional, intellectual conditions , spiritual and health and well being. Research, education, practice and clinical teaching in music therapy are based on professional standards according to cultural, social and political contexts. (WORLD FEDERATION OF MUSIC THERAPY, 2011,)
We are a family owned and operated business.
In the music therapy setting, the possibility of using a variety of musical instruments is very large, with, whenever possible, the presence of at least one harmonic instrument and some percussion instruments, with the instrument (s) that best meet the needs. (in) the goals of the music therapist for that specific care according to the patient's clinical demand. Rhythmic instruments, for example, can be used to stimulate rhythmicity and strengthen muscle tone. Harmonic instruments, on the other hand, are often used by the music therapist as the main instrument or to accompany recreations, compositions and, on many occasions, to improvise in the interaction with the patient. (QUISSAK, J .; SILVA, M .; SAMPAIO, R. 2014.)
Areas of expertise
The field of action of music therapy is very wide, and can benefit from the fetus to the elderly. There are clinical studies being carried out in several areas such as:
Educational Area - assistance in schools and clinics
Hospital Care (ICUs, COMA Patients, postoperative and Palliative Care)
Organizational Music Therapy (recruitment and selection, training and development, prevention of occupational diseases, prevention and treatment of stress, motivation, self-knowledge, organizational climate, quality of life at work, etc.)
Social Areas (people at risk and vulnerability)
Attention Deficits and Behavior Disorders
Physical Disability
Mental disability·
Sensory Deficiency
Conduct Disorders
Early Stimulation
Pregnant Women and Prenatal Stimulation
Child Neuropsychiatry
Cerebral Palsy
Mental Health (psychiatric disorders and drug addicts)
Syndromes (Rett, X-Fragile, Down, etc.)
Benefits of Music Therapy:
Among the different benefits achieved through Music Therapy, we can mention:
Stress reduction and relief
Self knowledge
Personal well-being
Anxiety Reduction
Greater creativity and productivity
A new way of facing difficulties
Greater relaxation and sociability
Increased sensitivity and concentration
Greater motivation
Greater balance, physical and mental disposition
Improvement in interpersonal relationships
Neuropsychomotor and cognitive development
Is Music Therapy Music Education?
[...] Music therapy is not music education. Music education aims to teach music, music reading and writing; already, Music Therapy is a therapeutic activity, which "aims to help, assist and treat an individual", aiming at their integral health [...] Music Therapy acts directly on emotions and it is not necessary that the person knows how to play any instrument, nor have musical knowledge, she should only identify herself with music [...]
Valor dos Atendimentos
Atendimento: R$180
Avaliação: R$200
Atendimento em grupo: a combinar.
O tempo de atendimento e as técnicas utilizadas serão definidas pela terapeuta de acordo com a demanda do cliente.
O número de atendimentos, duração de cada sessão e a frequência irá depender da demanda do cliente.
Pagamento: Dinheiro, Pix e Cartão (inclui taxas).
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